Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jeff Thomas Azuzephre Wiki

Shewhart Deming's 14 points Fernando Flores explained

Gregorio Gil García
Some supposedly developed countries have very serious problems of competitiveness in the English case there is a general blindness that prevents addressing the real causes of this gap by focusing for decades on issues such as: the types of contracts, duration of them, thinning of templates up to the anorexia, and massive privatizations neglecting everything else.
Many who work in the 80 and 90 with the concepts of Total Quality, we observe today are still valid management principles that Dr. William E. Deming left us.
These principles were pillar for the development of quality and allowed countries like Japan and the Asian tigers, position themselves ahead of leading countries at that time by their competitiveness, mainly due to the quality of its exports. Also, U.S. auto-discovered when he returned to occupy the place as an economic power that had possessed before. The famous documentary "Why Japan can and we do not," he was awakened from a slumber of several decades, and rediscovering their own "gurus." Briefly review the 14 items considered as basic to achieve transformation of the industry. These principles are useful in any nation, type of manufacturing or service large or small, even for a division of a company or organization.

1 Create constancy of improving product and service, in order to be competitive, stay in business to provide jobs.
"Dr. Deming suggests a radical new definition of the function of an enterprise. Rather than making money, staying in business is providing employment to the community through innovation, research, continuous improvement and maintenance. "
This first principle is valid and will remain so for life, for improved products and services will never end. It is said that today's R & D should become I + D + I, investigate, develop and innovate continuously, although there are some that still apply, especially in Spain, Unamuno's famous phrase: "Let others invent ", referring to the achievements of Germany and other countries in the distant and Franco era.

2 Adopt a new philosophy
"Today we tolerated labor too poor and inattentive service with the client. We need a new religion in which mistakes and negativism are unacceptable" because in the background, hide hidden costs contained in the reprocessing and highlighted in the calculation of the total cost of quality.
To achieve constancy of purpose of continuous improvement, should be accepted as its own philosophy and adopt all company operations. One of the principles of the ISO 9000 explicitly states: "The continuous improvement overall performance of the organization should be a permanent objective of education. "Unfortunately, many companies are jumping on each other philosophies, looking eagerly outside your organization, when they have within their company and themselves to discover.

3 Leave to rely on mass inspection
"Companies typically outdated when it inspects a product leaves the production line or at important stages of the path, discarding or re-developing the defective products. Practice again and is unnecessarily costly. In fact, the company is paying workers to make defects and then correct them. Quality comes not from inspection but from improvement of the process. "
This principle was misunderstood. We have seen that a company, applying the principle to the letter, declined from 20 to 4 quality inspectors to consequent problem in the deterioration of the quality of their products, since the process did not change. The inspection never eliminated, just unnecessary, which is achieved by the growth of its staff, and the control of its processes. If a company has quality problems, you should inspect 100%, to ensure that no defective products reach the market. The same Deming recommended us. During a visit to a factory in Spain at a leading Japanese leader in Total Quality. When asked how many companies have found Total Quality?, Replied that no, because all I saw, did not find a single control chart, why had not considered that control in its processes, so therefore continued with the mass inspection of their products.

4 End the practice of doing business on the basis of price only
"Purchasing departments often operate according to the order to seek the lowest price provider. This often leads to poor-quality supplies . In Instead, buyers should look for the best quality in a long term relationship with one supplier for a particular article. "
The cost of a product is not the purchase price but the price of use. A raw material acquires a new supplier, even if you are in the list of approved suppliers, famous today, cause great losses to the adjustment process and other inputs are fitted on the new raw material. If it is difficult to obtain quality in two different batches from a single source, even more so it will get it from two different suppliers.
Some companies have misunderstood this principle to develop the concept of
"Vendor Unique" , having a single vendor for all their products, when proposing Dr. Deming was a "single source for each product" .

5 Improve constantly and forever the system of production and
"The improvement is not an effort that is done once. The management is required to constantly seek ways to reduce waste and improve quality ".
addition to the continuous improvement of products, systems must also be improved, since hardly reach new goals with the same methods. The study of process capability, going closer tolerance levels to reach 6 sigma (3.4 defects per million) means that companies can really excel in this global market. This aspect is reinforced particularly in clause 8.5.1 of ISO 9001, provides: "The organization shall continually improve the effectiveness of quality management through the use of quality policy, quality objectives, results audits, data analysis, corrective and preventive actions and management review. "
Very few companies use or understand the concept of Cpk (Process Capability Index) and its relation to the same process variability measured by of variance.

6 Implement training
"Too often, workers teach their work other workers who never received proper training. They are forced to follow unintelligible instructions, or they can meet their job because no tells them how. "
permanent train workers and supervisors in their own processes, so that learning helps to improve both incrementally and radically. First you must be aware of what is done rather than just follow the procedure, the mechanic who knows about mechanics, welder welding, etc. ISO 9000 confirmed in 6.2 which states that "personnel performing work affecting product quality must be competent based on education, training, skills and experience."
"The organization must:

    determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting product quality;
  • provide training or take other actions to satisfy these needs, evaluate the effectiveness
  • of actions taken;
  • ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to achieving the objectives quality.
training sequence degenerates. Each person who trains degenerates badly received knowledge.

7 Adopt and implement the leadership
"The supervisor's task is not to tell his staff what to do, or threaten or punish, but to direct it. Conduct is to help staff do a better job and learn by objective methods individual who needs help. "
develop leaders at all levels is the duty of superior leader, eliminating the fear, sometimes so widespread that if they end up throwing it better.
"Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain an appropriate internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the objectives of the organization."

8 Discard
fear "Many employees are afraid to ask questions or take a stand, even if they do not understand what their job is or what is going right or wrong. Will continue to do things wrong or simply not will. The economic losses because of the fear is terrible. To ensure better quality and productivity is necessary for people feel safe. "
has said there is no fear of change but not knowing what will happen with the change. In addition to explaining what the change, few managers who show signs of having banished the fear of management style, pushing unattainable goals, blaming subordinates for the lack of capacity of the processes that really are of managerial responsibility. Ishikawa told us that 85% of problems are the responsibility of management, few understand what this means . Banish the fear of making mistakes. I regret in training the company's internal, as in the presence of a superior, no one dares to talk, ask question or less, that does cause pain and it just being released from the questions and issues emerge by the thousands.

9 Break down barriers between departments
"Many times, departments or business units" compete "with each other or have goals that conflict with each other. They do not work as a team to solve their problems or provide , and worse, the achievement of goals can cause problems for a department to another. "
Although Hammer and Champy used it as a workhorse in his famous reengineering, it is concentrated in many cases, layoffs, mergers and acquisitions, thereby missing the opportunity to break down barriers between departments that they forget that the battle is not internal but against external competition and does not let a few customers who are not willing to demand less than the best. There is a high attrition among departments that makes it difficult to reach the right solutions. Today, the process approach and the systems approach proposed tentatively identify the processes and manage their interactions, but be careful to mention that the problem is "organization", ie power, like it or not.

10 Delete slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce
"These things never helped anyone to do your job well. Better allow workers to formulate their own slogans. "
Newspaper ads, posters throughout the company, murals with traces of staff, contribute to quality environment, but do not improve quality. If the money spent on these campaigns to be invested in-depth studies of processes in meeting the real needs of customers, another is the situation. Some companies certified under ISO 9000, ISO abuse the word, as if this is what really matters, forgetting the improvement
continuous quality production and service processes. Why when talking about the achievements of the latest trends in management, very little is said quality and competitiveness of firms?.

11 Delete the quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for management
"Quotas take account only numbers, not quality or methods. They are usually a guarantee of inefficiency and high cost. The person, to maintain employment, meet the quota at any cost, regardless of the damage to your business. "
If accepted as a maxim of every process variability implicit in all of them and if all efforts were focused on reducing the goals be achieved alone. What will be gained by reviewing the goal of the week or month with ups and downs, if these causes vary due to "normal" (randomness of the process itself). Targets are met and no one discusses why; not met nor discussed, it warns, the next month will reach before falling again. A new goal without
a new method does not change the process. Rewards and punishments do not improve processes.

12 Remove barriers that rob the people to be proud of their work
"People want to do a good job and not being able to mortify him. All too often, misguided supervisors, equipment flawed and imperfect materials hinder a good performance. We must overcome these barriers. "
No employee enters a company enters new unmotivated, but in a very short time we take care of discouraging. People do not make mistakes on purpose, which operate within the system allows the bug is in system, not people. Failure of the selection, induction, in training, in fact recognize achievements in studying the causes of failure in the absence of continuous improvement. Some people with good intention to democratize the companies want to involve employees in defining the mission and vision of the company, but are not willing to listen to suggestions on improving their own processes. The
participation is the most valuable to a person.

13 Encourage education and self-improvement in all staff
"Both management and the workforce will have to be instructed in the new methods, including
teamwork and statistical techniques."
This principle is an addition to the number 6 on the training. This is referred to what is known as "Training and Skills Development," which depends on the company's vision, objectives to achieve it, new ways to compete, new processes to develop, of the new behaviors of staff at all levels, synthesis of cultural change that the company requires.

14 Act to achieve the transformation
"To carry out the mission of quality, we need a panel of senior management with a plan of action
. The workers can not do it alone; and administrators either. The company must have a critique of people who understand the Fourteen Points, the 7 deadly diseases and obstacles. "
Transformation does not come alone, top management must make the decision to want to do and apply the principle of establishing leadership. To achieve the transformation to happen more than call the consultant, and appointing the "management representative" means to engage and be an example, providing training first, and after fulfilling its task. Those companies now let us greater satisfaction in our consultancy, are those in which the CEO was the mainstay of change, and provided good alignment, motivated staff, and committed by example. The best consultant ever replace a bad manager.
CDN Gregorio Gil 2010


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